A review by tessa_talks_books
Kill a Spy by Samantha Lee Howe


Kill A Spy by Samantha Lee Howe is the explosive ending to the House of Killers trilogy that left me disappointed to end my time with Neva and Michael but very intrigued about their future.

For a character who has been trained at a young age to be devoid of emotion and detached from any human bond, Neva is surprisingly relatable and complex. I started the trilogy fascinated by this perfect assassin, and my adoration never changed or wavered. She can be anyone, find anyone, and kill anyone without being discovered. She is a shadow. But a shadow with a complex history that has come back to haunt her in more ways than one.

The ending surprised and shocked me, but it is the ending that must be. I always love when I am surprised by a story, and Kill a Spy delivered that and then some. The history of the House of Killers, Neva's training ground, has been kept vague until now, and I loved all the backstories found in this story. They did not explain everything, but they explained enough that I felt satisfied that any gaps in the plot were filled and how the ending could be a viable way to conclude the story.

There is more violence than in the two previous books, which is not surprising since it is about an assassin. Still, this time around, not only is Neva doing what only she can do, but there is a serial killer on the loose, and all the victims have one disturbing thing in common. It becomes increasingly crucial for Neva to remember the past and discover who is behind all the recent murders.

There is also more of a romance in this story that even though I wanted it to ring natural, the fact that Neva is who she is makes it never quite seem genuine. Yet, this did not impact my enjoyment of the story overall.

I am sad to see this series conclude, but it is a fun and thrilling journey to get to the end that I can highly recommend to everyone.