A review by heart_inaprairie
Animal Farm by George Orwell


⭐️⭐️⭐️.75 stars!
ANIMAL FARM starts off with Mr. Jones a farmer, who lives on a farm with a variety of animals. As a farmer, his job is a typical one and no different than any other farm. However, the farm animals are special in this case, and are aware of their surroundings and how they are being treated.

The animals plan to take over the farm & achieve to do so. For the animals want equality, freedom, and to take pride in their by product for themselves, not for man. With this, the animals face many challenges along the way.

For a classic read, I found this one to be funny, entertaining, and very predictable [waiting for the bomb to blow up]. This is the first book I have read in a while where I actually saw the fate of these characters.

CHARACTERS: I found the animals personality very well written. Personality is a big part of this book and somehow helped me foreshadow the fate of the animals.

THEMES {Greed, Hope, Equality}