A review by zare_i
20th Century Boys, Band 01 by Naoki Urasawa


It is end of the millennium. Kenji, owner of small grocery store finds himself in difficult position - store is not a success, his sister left him her daughter under undefined circumstances and all of a sudden one of his friends from school days leaves him the message about something that has roots in their fiction playing when they were 5th grade. Something that is linked to a mysterious cult whose leader is talking rather lightly about destroying and conquering Earth, with his followers (quite a huge number of them) cheering his every word.

While people draw parallels with Stephen King's It, story here is much more nuanced and more dystopian and ..... unfortunately considering how easy indoctrination and brainwashing through media and various activist groups proves itself these days, very contemporary.

Art must be one of the most beautiful manga I saw in a while. Characters cannot be mixed up, you can see the very emotions, entire art is very reminiscent to me of Jim Holdaway and Milton Caniff. Pure joy for the eyes.

Highly recommended.