A review by krino
The Menocht Loop, Book 1 by Caerulex, Lorne Ryburn


Entertaining, as long as reader has appropriate expectations. May be disappointing for those who expect to see character improvement and exploration over multiple time-loop resets. Part of the problem is confusing terminology. (These are not "spoilers" because the main character appears to be aware of these facts, even if they aren't necessarily made clear to the reader.)

* "Dilation Chambers" are known to exist, but the name is misleading because it's not clear what, if anything, is being "dilated". Since it's initially presented as a "Groundhog Day" type story, "time" seems a likely candidate, but the chamber behaves more like a simulation.

* Events that occur in dilation chambers don't necessarily reflect "reality". There are hints that they are connected, but to what extent is not clear (the story is still in progress). People do appear to behave as they normally would (because "magic"), but the scenarios appear to be fabrications. Each scenario is referred to as a "layer". To escape, Ian has to clear all layers. (This makes it feel less like a time loop and more like being stuck in a game.)

Contrast with "Mother of Learning", which is a more straightforward time-loop story in which the character actively explores the world within the repeating time frame; dilation chambers are secret government projects not known to the public; and events occurring inside the loop are definitely connected to events outside the loop.