A review by kirkw1972
Bound by Sue Tingey


It's a testament to how well characters have been build up over books that when one of them gets kidnapped and you become up in arms and ready to storm the Underworld in an effort to save them before realising you're reading a book and it's not a real person. Ahem....

I would definitely say over the trilogy that I am firmly on Team Jinx although all the characters are amazing. Even the bad guys. In the final book of the series Jinx is kidnapped with the plan that once tortured enough he will bring about various plagues and the end of the world. It's up to Lucky, Jamie and the rest of her guardians (not to mention Guardians...) to rescue him. 

This one is much darker than previously but still a rip roaring roller coaster of a story. My heart was in my mouth several times. 

And like my review of first book Marked one of the things I love about these books are the fact that we have a non-standard romance that is beautifully underplayed so while it's part of the story it doesn't become or overshadow the main plot. 

Overall I've loved this series and am a bit sad that its ended. I would highly recommended the books to everyone

Thank you to @jofletcher books and @suetingley for the copies