A review by boezaaah
The Girl with the Dogs by Anna Funder


"He looks up and smiles again and in that instant he is a man with no past, who wishes only to love his wife, standing there in front of him."

This book has always sat in my favourite section of my local bookstore. I was always fascinated by the title, but never intended on picking it up. Until the day I had a mere $10 in my pocket, with every other book in that bookstore well and truly over $20, and I decided to pick it up. This book is only 57 pages, so naturally, I assumed it could either be the greatest 57 pages ever or that it would fall completely flat and I'd regret wasting $10 on it. Thankfully, it was engaging and I think it spoke of a valuable topic. What would have come of my life if I had chosen to go down that path? What could have been?

This was a quick read which I'm glad to have read, and I would recommend picking it up if you've got 20 minutes to spare!