A review by readingwithcec
Heirs of Power by Kay MacLeod


2.75-3 stars.

To be fair that's my fault, there wasn't any indication that there might be gay characters in this book so I probably should have passed. Reading a book is extremely arduous if you haven't connected to at least one of the characters. Without that connection it's nearly impossible for me to get invested in the world and story. And I won't lie, I started to skim about halfway through so I didn't experience the book in its entirety.

The name choices in the book really hampered my reading experience as well. The main character, Kitty, also goes by The Archer and is refered to as that many many times throughout the book. Another character was Asher. Then you have the race of Lucidians and then also a character named Lucian. My brain got hung up every time any of these names appeared and I had to reread to make sure I had the right one. It disrupted the flow literally every other paragraph. This of course probably isn't a problem for most people- my brain be a bitch sometimes- but it was a very frustrating experience for me personally.