A review by emlickliter
Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology by Aubrey Cara, M.A. Innes, Renee Rose, Laylah Roberts, Eden Bradley, Vanessa Vale, Brianna Hale, Allysa Hart, Adaline Raine, Maren Smith, Stella Moore, Nicolina Martin, Felicity Brandon, Kara Kelley, Rayanna Jamison, Emily Tilton, P.D. Carter, Golden Angel, Allie Belle, Pepper North, Lesley Clark, Meredith O' Reilly, R.J. Gray, J.M. Dabney, Delta James, Maggie Ryan


Dirty Daddies Anthology – I'm not saying I loved all of these equally, but the collection was totally worth what I paid for it! And I found some new authors! Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Little Bride – Laylah Roberts – Clint and Charlie’s wedding planning was all going to plan until Charlie wears herself out and catches a cold. It’s up to her ranch family to save the wedding day! Happy Reading!

o The Signing – Maggie Ryan – When Savannah runs away from home to protect her boyfriend from a blackmailer, Jack decides that a year is long enough for them to be apart. When he shows up at her book signing, all bets are off! So cute! Happy Reading!

o Mastering Little Molly – Allie Belle – Molly needs someone to hold her accountable for her actions long enough to graduate from college. The freedom of dorm life went to her head, and it’s going to take a firm hand for her to graduate on time. So she enrolls in an unconventional college dorm, and finds something she didn’t even realize that she wanted. Happy Reading!

o Something About Loren – MA Innes – Sometimes I think writers have the best job because they get to bring two people together that are beyond adorable! But I want to know Dean’s story! Happy Reading!

o Trust Daddy – Pepper North – This one has a fairly rocky start, but this these two deserve to be happy together! Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Baby Girl – Meredith O’Reilly – I’m just gonna say that this title could have been so much cooler. “I Thought We Could Make An Exception” made me giggle. Funky alien world building in this one. Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Office Temp-Tation – Aubrey Cara – I’m thinking this is a short that fits into a bigger storyline because there is way too much contextual drama in this one for just a short. But Hayden may be in over her head getting revenge on her cheating ex with her new boss. Happy Reading!

o Sugar Princess – Nicolina Martin – I’m not really big of Mafia plotlines usually, but this was pretty good! Happy Reading!

o Reed: Daddy of the Month Club – Rayanna Jamison and Allysa Hart – You work in a college town, so you should never pick up strange women in bars if you are a professor. It’s like a guarantee from the universe that she will be in your class. I want to read the rest of this series now! Happy Reading!

o Best Seller – Delta James – So I have a couple of things -- Thing 1: Gail is trash (or any of those not nice words that you call women that I fundamentally disagree with until you get in a situation where you need a rude word to call a female person. I need the English language to make up some rude things to call women that don’t have long standing ties to patriarchal oppression. Sorry for this mid review rant on why I avoid using the word bitch in a negative way J). First of all, Nora Roberts is a formulaic writer, and that is why I love her. There is a predictable rhythm to her writing that is gratifying and comforting as a reader. So Gail is a an idiot because when Sage asks to write something different, Gail tells her she isn’t like Nora Roberts when that is really what Gail wants her to be (formulaic but wildly successful) because Gail is a mean, greedy cow who is only looking out for her own best interests. Thing 2: Delta James is a genius because she made me write an enormous rant about how much I hate her Mean Girl villain. Sage gets to live every writer’s dream, so I think this may be my fav story in the collection! Happy Reading!

o Claiming Whisper – JM Dabney— There is something really satisfying when writers create couples that are so comfortable together. I understand why people try matchmaking. Happy Reading!

o Her Navy Seal Ex – RJ Gray – They broke up 10 years ago, but they never really stopped loving each other. When his Doctor without Borders refuses to be evacuated during an insurrection, Max and his Navy SEAL team go to get her. Brianna may be a doctor, but she misses having the stability Max brought to her life. Now if they can just survive their reunion! Happy Reading!

o Protecting LU – Kara Kelley – Lots of intense action in this one! I’ve never read anything by Kara Kelley before, but that is the beauty of anthologies! Yeah for new authors! Happy Reading!

o Planet of the Daddies – Emily Tilton – Aliens make everything a little extra weird. I think this was the first thing I’ve read by this author too. Anthologies encourage explorations anyway! Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Little Mermaid – Allysa Hart – I’m gonna argue that irresponsible mermaids should not be allowed to go on shore as humans with only a dog to give them advice lol. This one was funny! Happy Reading!

o Chef Daddy – Golden Angel – This one was a culinary masterpiece! Now I really really want a bacon chocolate chip cookie! Happy Reading!

o Kitten -- Eden Bradley – Sometimes the book universe really thinks that two people belong together! Such a cute second chance romance! Happy Reading!

o Surprise Play – Carly Marie – Football players. Now that is a surprise play! Love this one! Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Little Girl – Felicity Brandon – This is an epilogue after a series, and I would recommend reading the series first. Kidnapping fantasies are not my usual cup of tea, but being in Sophie’s head is interesting! Happy Reading!

o Gym Bunny – Brianna Hale – They are vegan gym bunnies! I don’t know why that cracks me up so hard, but they are the cutest thing together! Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Blessing – PD Carter – I always want to wrap the kids whose parents reject them up in bubble wrap! Asa is such a sweetheart! Happy Reading!

o Rescuing Hadley – Adaline Raine – Meet cutes should always include huskies! This is a sweet one! Happy Reading!

o Daddy’s Little Patient by Maren Smith – Kelly is little miss independent until she gets in a major car accident and needs her boyfriend to spring her from the hospital. They are both going to need the patience of saints to survive her having casts on both arms! Happy Reading!

o The Daddy Rumor – Stella Moore – The local gossip queen might be more than a sheriff wants to get involved with. When his worst fear is realized, do the two of them have the guts to fight for another shot? Well it wouldn’t be a HEA if they weren’t! Happy Reading!

Untamed – Renee Rose and Vanessa Vale – I really like when these two write together! This is a great shifter romance! Happy Reading!