A review by 00leah00
A Convenient Arrangement by Jaime Clevenger, Aurora Rey


“A Convenient Arrangement” is the first of a two-book collaboration between authors Aurora Rey and Jaime Clevenger. It’s also a collaboration between two different publishers, Bold Strokes Books and Bella Books, which I thought was really cool.

Jess Archer, a journalist for an online magazine, is tasked with writing a column on cuffing. She meets Professor Cody Dawson who needs a date for some school functions. The two hit it off and decide to give a short, no strings relationship a go, both knowing it has an expiration date in three months. This is not my typical kind of romance as I usually hate insta romances and that’s exactly what this is. Jess and Cody jump into their relationship very quickly but it didn’t bother me here.

I really liked this at the beginning. I liked both Jess and Cody but as the story progressed, I started liking Cody less and less and that took away some of my enjoyment. Jess and Cody were both very good about setting rules and guidelines (though they weren’t nearly as good at following them.) They talked a lot and seemed to do a good job with communicating with one another. However, it seemed as time went on, they stopped telling each other their issues, which of course lead to problems later on. Also, Cody was filled with doubts and started second-guessing everything to do with Jess. I still liked this enough to want to finish it but Cody’s continual doubts really got in the way of my enjoyment.

I know I started of negatively but there were some really great things about this too. I was really impressed with not being able to tell this was written by two people. Rey and Clevenger did an excellent job with the way they weaved their story together. Jess and Cody have outstanding chemistry right from the beginning and are very likable. I also liked the inclusion of Ben, Cody’s son from a previous marriage. I did think he was more polite and better mannered than most five-year-old’s but I still found him to be cute and really liked his relationship with Jess and her family. The black moment I could see coming from a mile away but luckily, it didn’t last long.

While I have overall mixed feelings on this one, I think most people will get more enjoyment from it than I did. I let my annoyance with the second-guessing get in the way so it’s more of me thing for why I didn’t love this. This is well written and has a lot of heart. I should add that Ben plays a big role here, so if kids aren’t your thing you might want to miss this one.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.