A review by the_graylien
Doom Patrol, Vol. 5: Magic Bus by Mark McKenna, Philip Bond, Grant Morrison, Scott Hanna, Ken Steacy, Stan Woch, Richard Case


This is another fantastic volume to follow the sheer brilliance we saw Grant Morrison exhibit in Volume 4 ("Musclebound") of his run on Doom Patrol.

Here (in Volume 5: "Magic Bus") he pays tribute to Ken Kesey (and the Who?), throws darts at the American political system, honors Jack Kirby through the dreams of a transvestite street, shows us the birth of one mystrious being through the deaths of two others, and winds all this around his usual themes of the occult and counter-culture.

Morrison also hits on multiple levels, tangling things like nanotechnology, psychology, and magic all around an expertly written, action-laden plot.

This is another amazing volume of Doom Patrol, good for the read and worthy of the revisit.