A review by rebus
Tomorrow Stories, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, Melinda Gebbie, Kevin Nowlan


I wasn't a big fan of Jack B. Quick or the Cobweb, but the other characters were great and Moore spreads his wit and incisive social commentary throughout, saying that he distrusts all modern culture after disco (though I do sense a racist anti-Germanic point of view in his work which was not a parody of old war comics). The Boys certainly seems somewhat influenced by the First American, Greyshirt is the Spirit, and hey, at least the Cobweb was basically performing in the nude. 

I especially enjoyed the story in which Dr. Crescendo is chided that he "can't punish the world for failing to understand you (him)", to which he basically says 'why not' and that he had been punished for understanding too much. It's also great to see him call old comics lame and to diss Pokemon and the entire--now validated by science--notion that collecting is pathological. The all variant cover edition! Crossovers! It's all here and while not among his best work, is still a cut above the average comics these days.