A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Grave Destiny by Kalayna Price


I received a copy of Grave Destiny through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Grave Destiny is the sixth book in the Alex Craft series, and based on how events went in this book, it’s nowhere near the last either. Fans of Kalayna Price can rejoice at that news! If you’ve never heard of the Alex Craft series; it follows a Grave Witch on her increasingly more dangerous adventures amongst the fae.
One of the things that first drew me to this series was the covers. I love the light blue and white tones of the covers (hinting at the chill of the grave, naturally). And Alex is always a striking image on her covers.
The series is urban fantasy heavy, but it also steadily has more and more time spent in the world of fairy. It’s perfect for any fantasy of fairy fans out there, especially because it’s so intelligent in how it discusses fae nature and politics.

Grave Destiny may just be my favorite novel in the Alex Craft series, which is probably saying something. This has been one of my favorite series for year, and it feels like each new novel ups the ante from the last one.
This was an intense and fast-paced novel. I’m not exaggerating when I say I read it in one night. I couldn’t put it down, so instead I opted to stay up late and read it start to finish. I may have been a bit of a zombie the next day, but I have no regrets about my decision.
One of my favorite elements of Grave Destiny, and all of the Alex Craft novels in general, is how carefully Kalayna Price describes her fae. They’re sneaky and while beautiful, fully capable of malicious deeds. They’re intelligent and witty, and are always looking to get the better end of the deal. That Alex is relatively new to this world and having to struggle through their politics just makes the series that much more interesting.
I’ll confess that this novel did leave me missing a lot of the secondary characters. We didn’t see much of Alex’s friends, roommates, or coworkers here. Unless you count Falin (I put him in a whole different category though). And I missed Death too. But honestly? That’s my biggest complaint about this book, and it isn’t much of a complaint either.
I loved the plot, it was intense and held my attention the whole way through. I kept trying to predict how each part was going to play out. I was too curious not to. It was refreshing to have a story told mostly from the fae side of things, in its own way. And I loved seeing more of some of the other characters.
I really enjoyed reading Alex’s perspective in this novel. She’s had a lot to deal with as of late, but nothing ever seems to slow her down. I loved that she was self aware enough to seek out help on a couple specific points (and no, I won’t tell you which points).
As for Alex’s abilities…I have always loved that they come at a cost to her. It’s been a major reason why I love her character and her ability set. It just…fits. I’ve always liked her Grave Witch abilities, and wanted to know more about her Planeweaving abilities. I got both in this novel, so I really can’t complain.
This novel did bring with it a surprising amount of changes. I won’t say what changes, for obvious reasons. But I will say that I’m anxious to see how those changes play out in the next novel (which I don’t think has a name yet?).
No matter what the title ends up being for the next novel, I know I’m going to end up reading it. Now I just have to be patient and wait for news.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks