A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Spectacular by Fiona Davis


The Spectacular by Fiona Davis transports readers to 1956 when Marion Brooks tries out for the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes. The story alternates between 1992 and 1956. I thought the story was well-written with realistic, developed characters. The author has a way of bringing history alive. I enjoyed the vivid descriptions of New York City, Radio City Music Hall, Brownsville, and Marion’s childhood home. I especially enjoyed reading about Radio City. I had no idea there was so much going on in that building. Fiona Davis brought history to life and made it interesting. There was never a dull moment. I enjoyed learning about the Rockette audition process (I wish there was a television show about it), the lengthy rehearsals, costume fittings, and daily shows. I cannot imagine doing four shows a day. The “Big Apple Bomber” has been hitting New York City landmarks for sixteen years without getting caught. When Marion’s sister is killed, Marion is determined that the bomber shall be caught. Marion wants the bomber identified and caught. Marion seeks help from Dr. Peter Riggs, a resident at Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, in profiling the bomber. It is something new and the police are naturally skeptical. The mystery ramped up near the end. I was up late quickly turning the pages to see how everything would turn out. There were some great characters in the story. I enjoyed getting to know Marion Brooks. She had a special talent and Marion wanted to use it despite her father’s pressure to marry. There is some repetition of details especially regarding the father, Simon, and Judy, Marion’s sister. I appreciated the author’s note at the end of the book. I like how the author brought the Rockette’s Christmas show to life, especially the wooden soldier number. I had no idea that the kick line was accomplished without the dancers touching each other. It is the details that elevate a story. You will find yourself caught up in the case and wondering how Marion and her friends will help catch the “Big Apple Bomber”. The Spectacular is a fascinating historical tale with an active audition, a straightlaced sister, old-fashioned dad, a baffling bomber, a brown-nosing boyfriend, a disobliging detective, and a dazzling dancer.