A review by moreteamorecats
She-Hulk, Volume 6: Jaded by Peter David


I remember Peter David's Star Trek books fondly for their loose good humor, but then, I read them in high school. Thinking back, they had more than a bit of fic-proper about them. (For instance, I think there was a book called Q-in-Law where, at one point, Lwaxana is beating up Q, and Troi asks Worf, "What should we do?" and he responds "Sell tickets." Funny! But all the way at the silly, dressing-up-like-Robin-Hood end of TNG, and maybe even a little past it.)

The quips are funny, and the meta-bit tagged onto the first episode is on point. Still, I prefer Jennifer Walters, Badass Lawyer to whatever road-movie scenario is playing out here. Sure, new writers, new arcs, in medias res, but it just doesn't work for me. And I'm gathering that in superhero comics, that's the only standard that matters at all. There's a lot to like about She-Hulk/Walters, and I hope there's more of her to come down the road. (Ideally? MCU Netflix series. The character's perfect for the procedural form. She's a trial lawyer!)