A review by jesslyntimm
Skinny by Laura L. Smith


I often read books on self-help and disorders because I'm curious about them. I work at the library and always find books that I want to read (And then never get around to) and this was one of the books that caught my eye.

My first impression? The cover is amateur-ish (watch, that's probably not even how you spell it. Now I look like the dumb ass.) I just felt like I was looking at a book that had been published by a high school aspiring writer. I'm one of those people so I know what kind of work those aspiring writers are capable of. ;)

I'm usually not into books with religion woven into it. I'm a Catholic but I don't like to read books where everything relates back to God. Melissa, the main character, talks about "having a date" with her bible and the book contains bible passages. It's not that I found it pointless.. but Smith wrote the passages in the book and it just felt like she only put it in so she could fill up more pages.

Skinny wasn't even 200 pages long. The actual writing was not good. At all. I kept thinking about how I could write better. There were lines like, "The girls just had so much fun!".

I had a lot of problems with Skinny. Sorry if this review is quite annoying, choppy, and blah.

Smith definitley could have written more in some scenes. I felt like she didn't really have a grip on what teenagers are really like. I found myself scoffing at certain parts.

Sure, girls paint each others finger nails and eat popcorn but it bothers me how she wrote it. It just felt like it was me writing one of my stories back when I was into Twilight and wanted to be a writer. Back in like the 6th grade. . . .

Overall, I know this review didn't say a whole lot. But I wouldn't tell anyone to read this book. It's a huge waste of time and extremely annoying. Just put it down and read the other book Skinny with the green popsicle on the front. I promise it will be a helluva lot better.