A review by rainydaywriter217b2
Sorceress of Faith by Robin D. Owens


This second book in the Summoning series is probably my least favorite of the set. Which isn’t to say it is not an enjoyable book on its own merits. Marion is an interesting protagonist, and you’d think with her New Age leanings, I would feel the most drawn to her out of all the leads of this series. She’s bookish and infinitely curious and very, very powerful.

Sadly for me, she’s also quite practical, and I can’t find myself relating much to her or her relationship with the love interest in this novel.

The story progresses well in this second book, and we get new information that we need about the final battle coming at the end of the series. The existing characters are fleshed out even more, so that you find yourself wondering how many of them will be love interests in the coming books. There’s enough time in this series to flesh out the world and the relationships between even characters who stay secondary to the main plot the entire time. I really appreciate that the time spent on all of that draws me into this world more, and makes me emotionally invested in the outcomes.

If you were a fan of the first book of this series, definitely read this one, and hang in there if it isn’t quite your cup of tea. The writing is still on point, and I can promise that the pacing picks up in the next books (and gets even faster in book four and five!), and there’s still plenty that this series has left to show you.

This and other reviews by me can be found at www.annaimber.com