A review by abailey410
Take Me Home Tonight by Erika Kelly


This book was intense with a great story line,tons of emotion, and incredible passion. The characters were so real and raw and incredible I was hooked right away. If you think this is going to be one of the quick and dirty rocker romances, think again. This was such a beautiful story of living your life to the fullest and loving what you do that I could not put it down.

My Thoughts
This book focuses on the newest member of the band, Calix Bourbon, who is just filling in while they record the album and Mimi, Violet's bestie from the last book. These two have been keeping their distance, but crushing on the other from afar, until they come crashing together.

I really enjoyed their push and pull and getting to be a part of the connection these two had. Each had their own issues and demons and it was quite the ride to see them try to overcome it all to be together. I could not get used to Calix's hot and cold though and it really bothered me through out the book. I understood the reasoning for it all, but it did not make it any easier for the reader to go through with Mimi. I really loved Mimi through out the entire book. She was so full of life and fun and had a huge heart. And Calix was so hot in a broody, tortured bad boy way, although we quickly find that he is not a bad boy at all and that makes him even more interesting.

This book was high on the angst and a true slow build of a relationship. This is generally not my thing, but with this book, it felt like that was the only way it could be. The feelings, emotions, and even the angst were so real and raw and beautiful that it was hard to not fall head over heels for this group. I loved getting to see the previous couples growing in their relationships and flourishing.

I highly recommend this book if you like a hard fought romance, with a dash of sexy musician, a dollop of cooking, a pinch of family, and a touch of steam. I could not put it down, but the ups and downs and whiplash feelings are the only things that kept this from the top of my 2016 list.

A review copy was provided by Inkslinger PR, via Netgalley for an honest review.