A review by anabelsbrother
Miss Frazer's Adventure by Debbie Raleigh, Alexandra Ivy


E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher and Netgalley.

This is so much fun to read! I adore Kate and her determination to live her life after such long years of trying to be the daughter she thought would please her father.

In hindsight, there are a lot of things I feel missing:
Spoilerthis story focused almost exclusively on the interactions between Kate and Luce. While entertaining, I would also like to see how Kate is with her father who is said to be controlling, and I would also like to see how she is with Lord Thorpe. There isn't much mingling outside her relationship with Luce, and there's too much telling instead of showing.

Also, this book is totally PG. There is sexual tension, yes, but there isn't any consummation lol which surprised me.
but I enjoyed this book anyway.