A review by bookflutter
The Problem with Dating by Brittainy C. Cherry


The Problem with Dating is a sweet, endearing romance, full of emotions that will tug at the reader's heartstrings. Honey Creek is a small town, outside of Chicago's city limits and is home to the Kinglsey sisters - Yara, Avery, and Willow. This story revolves around Yara, the middle sister, but I enjoyed that readers got a glimpse of each sister. I'm so excited to read Avery's story next!

Yara is a recent divorcee trying to get her life back on track. She runs a business at the local doggy daycare and is loved by everyone there. She is the town's sweetheart -always catering to those in need..maybe even too much, as she's sometimes taken advantage of, and dealing with financial struggles. Alejandro 'Alex' Ramirez enters town to build a fancy new restaurant. He's immediately faced with backlash, and Alex is arrogant and angry when Yara tries to reach out for support.

The grumpy/sunshine trope took about 40% of this book, and let me tell you, Alex is a complete a-hole in this story. After he realizes his rotten ways, he and Yara devise a plan to begin fake dating to get her ex-husband off her back. Despite the two dealing with past trauma and pain, I really enjoyed the dynamic of their love. It felt genuine, although it was very slow-paced. Overall, this was a nice read and definitely had the small-town feel. I am so used to having an ugly cry fest over Brittainy's stories, but this one was such a nice and happy story.