A review by coliecat73
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey


Okay. This rating was more thoughtful than others. I gave it 3.5 stars and usually I would mark it up for that...but I couldn't...don't ask me why. I wanted to like this book. I really, really wanted to like this book. I've wanted to read this thing for years and never got around to finding it. Maybe that should be a warning. YOU DIDN'T PICK IT UP, IT WON'T BE AS GOOD AS YOU EXPECT BECAUSE YOU NEVER CARED TO FIND IT FOR YEARS. Oops. Oh well. It wasn't a bad book by any means, but I wanted it to be better than it was. I don't think I really liked Lucius, though sometimes I kept misreading his name as Luscious...hmm ...I do like guys with black hair... but he was a little weird. Especially later on when I was begging Jessica to sock him in the face, run away and live with Mindy, or do something else drastic just to get away from him. Ugh. Jessica was a bit too much in denial in the beginning, I thought, because she didn't respond to it, really. She didn't run away, she didn't face it, she just kinda went, "This guy is scary, this guy is hot. Holy sock-monkey, I think I'm in love!" Um......since when??? And...I liked Nice Jake in the beginning...but then he became a flat character...and that was boring...but the book was okay. And I still love the cover. :)