A review by dashie
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss


Rothfuss' existence pisses me off on the occasion I remember that The Doors of Stone is still AWOL. But no writer's words speak right to the molten core of my being as his does.

I think I might like this novella more than 2/3 of The Kingkiller Chronicles that I have read. Because Kvothe is me, but all that is good and soft and caring of me that I keep hidden for the sake of my own safety and sanity is Auri. Reading about her various days, when she let's the day decide what kind of day it's going to be made me nostalgic for when I was unemployed. Yes I was dirt poor, yes given the choice I would never wallow in that poverty again, but in those days, my creativity thrived, I was rich in imagination, my life was full. I wrote and I read and I took photos and every new day, without the monotony of adult life, was an adventure waiting to happen.

This is a book to reread when I need that reminder again. That it's ok to go at your own pace; somedays are for making, somedays are for lying in the dark. But all days, you must move with grace with the earth. In balance.