A review by billiepariseau
From Hell by Mallory Fox



This is a dark romance so make sure you read trigger warnings before embarking on this reading journey.

If you like dark romance, than this is the place to be!! Jaxon, Laine, the Ripper, and bad men. Laine was a victim, a victim who decided she was not going to be a victim forever. So she started the hunt, she became what tried to take her. Men that hurt women, hurt her, hurt her friend, they were going to be the prey for the first time in their lives.

Jaxon does things for the foundation, unspeakable things. Him and Laine went to school together before the Ripper changed her life. Jaxon is back and sees a change in Laine. A change that intrigues him. It brings out the predator side of him.

Two killers, both killing for a purpose. A wild ride. Who knew you’d be rooting for a serial killer??