A review by tzurky
The Paladin Caper by Patrick Weekes


I'm going to come out and say it: Westteich is a stroke of genius! Dear author, feel proud, he was the source of my main enjoyment for the book and that's saying something since Locke's ass-kicking is about the most enjoyable thing out there.

This is a good conclusion for the series, wraps everything up neatly with a bow (a little too neatly for my tastes but this is not the kind of book that makes you suffer or leaves you with a sour taste in your mouth, there are others for that).

Where the book really shines, except for the odd sentimental character moment, are in the depictions of different kinds of bigotry. There are many different kinds of it showing up in the book and they're all, sadly, true to life to a very high degree.

... and then the bigots get their asses handed to them, literally and metaphorically in some cases. And that is extremely satisfying (and doesn't happen enough in real life) which is why I love this book!