A review by rebeccagh
The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson


Its so hard to rate or review a piece of workings that have influence so much of the world we know today. I almost feel I have no place in rating this when it is of such importance, however I did love this fascinating and very strange piece.

If you're intrigued or want to know more about Norse mythology and its origins, this is the book. The Prose Edda is nearly 800 years old and depicts ancient tales of gods and goddesses of Asgard and others of further worlds. While it is not a book to read for perhaps entertainment, it was fascinating to read where it all originated. There are, however, some gaps in this, so it would not be wise to rely on the Edda for all your Norse knowledge, it, I think, is to be considered a rough basis and a first stepping stone when learning about Norse mythology.