A review by hsienhsien27
A Life of Death by Weston Kincade


This Was Sent By The Author For An Honest Review

The author sent me this and I happen to check my email in the morning. I thought that I should give it a try, it's a coming of age story, a genre that I am fond of, because I'm still growing. Well, we all grow older every day or so. Anyway, I guess I can say that this is a YA novel, here and there, those books have been read and being added to my Goodreads shelf.

A Life of Death is a series of episodes, possibly 8 episodes, a short series, then they were combined into one volume, like a TV show series being packed into a DVD. The whole novel centers around the main character's power to see dead people's past moments before their demise. He comes from a dysfunctional family, formed by the step father who replaced the late biological father, has few friends, and with the supernatural gift thrown in, his life is flipped upside down.

The gift of the dead is what makes this novel stand out from most YA novels, however, I can't be too strong with that opinion, because I haven't really read much YA from that genre. A Life of Death is literally a combination of supernatural, a mystery,a thriller, and a coming of age all at the same time. It's sort of a breathe of fresh air.

The gift teaches the main character, Alex Drummond, to appreciate life a bit more, despite its flaws. In a sort of odd way, the character grows up after many death encounters. As if death itself had taught him to cope with living. Even through the worst circumstances, life can be worth living. Death is an eternal slumber that should only be done after experiencing the best you can find and the worst you can deal with. It's an ending, that should be executed appropriately. Okay, that sentence sounded like ritual suicide stuff. I'm pretty sure you get what I mean.

What I didn't like about the book was the prose, it wasn't really catching me much, it was simple, but I don't know how to explain, because there's nothing wrong with simplicity, sometimes I prefer minimalism. However, there was something about the writing that made it hard for me to stay absorbed into it. Most likely, the reason was because I was going through a funk, where I didn't feel like reading, but at the same time I wanted to. Oh life, sometimes summer makes it hard for me to read more, despite the abundant free time.

It was fairly enjoyable though, it's great for anybody looking for supernatural stories or coming of age tales, with a little detective twist to it.The author is an editor.... I hope there isn't anything in here, grammar and punctuation related, that will make his eyes bleed too much.

Rating: 3.5/5