A review by readfrenzy
Reasonable Doubt: Volume 1 by Whitney G.


This review is for the entire series (Volumes 1-3).

“My cock has an appetite.” I'll be honest. That first sentence in the book description had me rolling my eyes. However, it was the book of the month so I read it anyway and I'm glad I did. This series is surprisingly good and quite addictive.

Andrew is a foul-mouthed, misogynistic lawyer with a rapier wit. He is also a serial online dater who has zero tolerance for lying and no interest in relationships beyond one night stands. At times I really wanted to hate Andrew and then the next moment he'd say something that had me laughing out loud. I love it when a character isn't black or white.

Aubrey is a sheltered 22 year-old undergrad student double majoring in pre-law and ballet. OK, so it's rather unrealistic but just go with it. While pretending to be a real lawyer, Aubrey meets Andrew online and the two develop a flirty friendship. Things become problematic when Aubrey goes to interview for an internship at Andrew's firm and he discovers Audrey's deception. Sparks fly, boundaries are tested, and double-standards are explored.

I found Aubrey to be a frustrating character at times. In the second book I was ready to toss my Kindle because she continually allows Andrew to treat her like a doormat but then she finally grows a backbone and shows some real character growth in the third book. Theirs is a complicated love story and it really does take all three books before you feel they earn their happily ever after with each other.

This was a really fun(ny) series to read. And the love scenes? Scorching hot! The boxed set includes an extremely satisfying extended epilogue and deleted scenes.