A review by dingakaa
Explain Pain by G. Lorimer Moseley, David S. Butler


I am so blessed to have come into the healthcare profession as this book was published. I was saved from having to undergo too much of a paradigm shift as a professional when it came to understanding the biology of pain, and therefore, how to treat it. The fruits this text bore for me were immediate with patients.
This book is mandatory reading for all healthcare professionals. It provides an easily accessible source of information to help reset one's education, and therefore, improve their practice. Concurrently, it is also perfectly suited for patients who suffer from chronic pain, and people who simply want to learn more. It is exquisitely referenced, and written in a way not to exclude the layperson.
Unfortunately, the group in most dire need of this text is physicians. I was fortunate to begin my pain education journey as an allied healthcare professional. The groups within which I was a member were far more open to the new science on pain, and therefore changing their practices, than the medical community was and is. Now that I have gone through medical school and am poised to begin work as a physician, I see this need as greater than ever. We are undergoing a revolution in our understanding of pain, and it is up to physicians to hold up our end of the bargain and bring ourselves up to date on the state of knowledge in this domain. This book is the perfect place to start.