A review by sjj169
She Rides Shotgun by Jordan Harper


I may have almost cried when I finished this book. If I had a heart I probably would have. Not because it's heart wrenchingly sad (It is in parts) but just because it is so damn good.

There is a little mini rant I have to get off my chest before I even talk about the book.

Why has no one snatched this book up and promoted the heck outta it? Why is it not being made into the best movie of the year? Everyone talks about their books being the next "Gone Stupid Girl" or that tedious "Girl on the Train-that I'd like to run over" but they let books like this one just slide by unnoticed? I don't get it. I have read three books this year....this one included that are not getting the attention they so deserve. It makes my eye all twitchy.

And now for this book. Good lort. It's so freaking good.

Polly's daddy is in prison and about to get out. He gets an offer he can't refuse from a gang called Aryan Steel. He puts balls to the wall and refuses anyways. BTW..Polly's daddy is badass.

Head bad guy puts out a hit on Daddy, Polly's mom and even eleven year old Polly.

Polly is at school one day when he dad shows up and picks her up in a stolen car. He is trying to keep Polly and himself alive..no matter what it costs.

This book. You honestly feel that cloud of dread following these characters and you know deep down that it's not going to be a pretty fairy tale story but it grips you and you can not put it down. You are in it with them.

Only way out is through.

And sorry I just do not have the words to tell how much I loved this story. It seems like my favorite books always just leave me speechless.