A review by lizziehutchings
100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons


~~edit 12/23/21~~

honestly i don't know why i keep doing this lol

~~edit 02/14/21~~

"Okay, fine.
I'll admit it.
I'm in love with her."

Eventually, I will stop re-reviewing this book, but it's Valentine's Day and I had to binge-read my very favorite romance book of all time on this special day of love.

Ah. I love love. Weston and Tessa's story just gets me every time. It's beautiful, it's adorable, it's heart-wrenching, just amazing. This book is so witty and sweet. I have pretty much said everything that I love and don't love about it in my past three reviews. But, I must say that if you want to read a sweet, wholesome, re-readable (obviously), and thought-occupying ya contemporary romance, then please please please pick this one up.

My only warning is that it is ya romance, so you have to be prepared to go all-in for the cheesiness, but it's fantastic.

Have a wonderful evening :-)

--edit 12/09/20--

5.0 stars again.

“Besides, no one has ever seen the light by being told there are darker places out there.”

I don't know if I should keep doing reviews as a re-read it, but I felt the need so here I am.

Okay. Basically, Whitney started reading this yesterday (I paid her five dollars for her to read the first chapter), and this morning I was like:
"Oh, I want to read the first chapter to kind of feel what she's feeling as a first-time reader!"
So I read the first chapter. But then I was like:
"Well, I am about to meet Weston--and that's pretty exciting, so I will just read the second chapter also."
I read the second chapter. But then I was like:
Anyway, this process continued until eventually, I settled on reading the whole book. It's one of those books, friends. I always feel inclined to pick it up and not put it down.
The gloriousness overcomes any sense that I have of responsibility.

Spectacular third read. This time around I annotated.

Have a wonderful evening.

-- edit 10/20/21--

5.0 stars again.

No, this is not an error.
Yes, I read this book again. The day after I read it the first time.
To be honest, I woke up this morning, and I was like: "I cannot wait to read about Tessa and Weston again--oh wait. I finished that book last night, didn't I?"

Anyways, long story short, I read all 315 pages again. And I loved the book no less.

"Surely, it's not healthy to be so optimistic all the time."

I recognize that this book is not perfect--but oh. Ohohohoho. I love it SO FREAKING MUCH. Second time through the book in two days, and I just, I still have no words for my love for this book and its characters. Just--ahh. Weston, and Tessa and iugha;isfgj;sdfh;isfgksb. I can't. All the sibling moments with Weston made me like tear up and I almost died of light-heartedness and love several times. Beautifully done, Miss Emmons, I just. I can't. It's late, and I should away to bed, so I will do just that.

Have a wonderful evening.

--original review--

5.0 stars

"And he brings me chocolate. Dark chocolate, eighty-five percent cocoa.

I don't know why I ever disliked him."

So, I read this in one sitting. Like, one four hour sitting.
You guys.
[Sigh of wonderous happiness]
Those of you who have tracked my Goodreads know that I have been attaching myself to contemporary reads lately, and I have absolutely no regrets.

This book was so heart-warming. I felt so much love for these characters. Tears of joy, sadness, and love threatened to fall at a constant while reading this book. Just--ahh.

Weston. Allow me to talk about Weston. Give me a sweet, charming, and annoyingly funny guy, and I. Am. Sold. I love this boy so much, he just. Ugh. I cannot think of any words to describe how much I love this character.

Tessa. I loved this character as well. She was a delight to read about, and her character development. Agh. Just.

I have no words other than read this book. Wellest of fares.
Good evening.