A review by marilynw
Because You're Mine by Rea Frey


The story is told from the points of view of single mother Lee, who we know is dead very early in the book, her best friend Grace, and Noah, tutor and therapist of Mason, Lee's son. We know that something horrible and fatal happened on a retreat that included Lee, Grace, and their two close women friends. The story thing goes back over the last forty eight hours, as we find out what led up to Lee's death.

At lot of improbable things have to occur for this story to even happen the way it does so at times I had to hold down my tendency to roll my eyes. Still, I couldn't help wanting to know what was going on in this book because it was easy for me to tell that Lee had stability problems that might be making her on-the-spectrum son's problems worse, we know Grace has a secret that she's not telling at the moment, and Noah is holding something back, also. Grace seemed to let every little thing stop her from blurting out her very important secret that she knew would upset Lee, while Lee was trying to push a relationship on to Noah, when he was obviously not interested in a relationship with Lee. Both Lee and Noah allude to shameful secrets in their pasts while Grace seems to have her life mostly in control, just holding in her secret that she knows will probably destroy her relationship with Lee.

The entire time, we aren't sure who is telling the truth and even if the person relating their point of view is telling US the truth. There is at least one unreliable narrator in this story, along with facts withheld for the shock value later in the book. Overall I enjoyed the ride, especially if I didn't stop and think about things too closely.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC.