A review by chris_v8_climber_wow_nice
Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet by Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin

A solid critical breakdown of the issues with a very plausible energy transition scheme for the global economy. A decent level of nuance was provided to the technical issues the scheme primarily deals with - energy - but I was minorly disappointed at the rather brief dismissal of what I view as other important technical constituents of any robust green vision. The authors do, though, (in my view) rightly point out that such other considerations ought to be regarded as supplementary to a full transition to clean energy, not as a replacement for it, and so it seems optically effective to not dwell on those other technologies in this book. In my limited expertise, I found one of the reasons for casting aside negative emissions technologies to perhaps reflect a lack of knowledge in the area, but this in no way devalued the rest of the discussion in the book for me. I would recommend this to most audiences in any level of education on the matter because its meat is in its robust political discussion, which is serviced by whatever technical figures.