A review by m_woods
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater


I’m officially in love with this series! The characters and world have unfolded throughout the series to reveal a very complicated and meticulously woven history. It’s fascinating! The characters are complex and endearing. I adore the prose in the story and the language that Maggie Stiefvater uses to bring about this world.

This particular book in the series went back to focusing on all of the characters and the broader story (whereas the second book, The Dream Thieves, had a stronger focus on a particular character). I liked the focus on the character of Ronan in the last book – but I was appreciated getting back to more of the broader story here. Stakes felt higher in this book, and the quest that they have been pursuing since book one is even closer to its end.

I cannot wait for the release of the last book, The Raven King, in a couple of months.
But I also don’t want it to end…


“Gansey thought of how strange it was to know these two young men so well and yet to not know them at all. Both so much more difficult and so much better than when he’d first met them. Was that what life did to them all? Chiselled them into harder, truer versions of themselves?”