A review by amandabooks17
Piper by Emma Luna


I’m speechless! I honestly don’t know what to say about this book. I have a few ideas of what I could say but I don’t think that would be close to how I want to describe it. Emma Luna left me speechless! This books was GRITTY! This book was wickedly dark! It wasn’t what I expected but yet I was so intrigued and definitely want more. Piper is such an interesting woman. You get to learn about her difficult past and why she does things she was she does. Then there is Ollie. He is so dedicated to Piper I love it! He has also had a difficult past since he is the only one left from his family. You can see the connection instantly between the two. It’s so sexy between the two! You’ll definitely be fighting for these two and rooting for them in this book. This is definitely left on a cliffhanger that I know I need to see where it goes! It’s such an intersecting story and I’m so excited to read more and get more from these characters!

I definitely recommend you to read this book I’d you like twisted dark romances!