A review by bryce_is_a_librarian
The Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby


I read this and it's twin every year or so to remind me why I like Nick Hornby. Sometimes that's hard as one happens to catch a glimpse of How To Be Good and A Long Way Down on the bookshelf and the next thing one knows they're in an ambulance being treated for having "angryed up the the blood".

Still when reading these it's tough to stay mad at good old Hornby. The guy is endearing and his voice is so personable that this is less a book of criticism as it is a portable conversation.

As Hornby struggles to bridle his cynicism and snark at his new surroundings the results are often hilarious, as are his unnerving descriptions of his new lord and master the titular Polysyllabic Spree (PS yes I know he's joking). The books Hornby selects are always interesting and I've had many a happy recommendation from him turn out well.

If there is a problem with the book it's that the loose style occasionally means that things you're looking forward to reading about get the short shrift. Want to know what Hornby thinks of Zadie Smith, Daniel Clowes, or Walter Mosely? Well you're going to have to content yourself to a few short sentences while other things you don't care about get pages.

Still this is a minor quibble the book is never anything less then enjoyable.