A review by anabelsbrother
To Love a Scandalous Duke by Liana De la Rosa


2.5 stars

Hmmm. The story had potential, and it would have been an easy 4 star read for me had it not have so many plot holes. The whole conspiracy behind Declan's family scandal was convoluted and not properly developed IMO, and I was a bit eh about how the Truth was revealed
Spoiler(so Allie's mother just conveniently wrote everything down in her diary?)
and how the Problem was solved
Spoiler(what tf even is the role of the Vicomte he's such as a caricature villain??)
. The last 10% was a bit too conveniently wrapped up to me.

The only A+ thing about this is the hot chemistry between Allie and Dec. I love seeing them reconnect with each other.

Overall, this could have been a lot better. I hope Torres gets his own book!

E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher via Netgalley.