A review by undervmountain
Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee by Jeff Zentner

funny sad medium-paced


 A coming of age story about two teen girls who are horror hosts of their own Public Access Channel, this story had it ups and downs as they started to consider what they wanted for their futures, and the realisation that they were going to take different paths.

I really liked Rayne and Delilah, or Josie and Delia as they're known to their families. They're quirky, witty and a lot of fun, and I enjoyed Josie's journey finding love and emotionally maturing just as much as Delia's search for her Dad, and coming to terms with the feelings of being left behind.

I was looking forward to the horror convention, which became a turning point for Josie who realised this scene wasn't for her. However, the introduction of the incredibly annoying Jack Divine who so obviously was about to fleece them really dragged the story down in the middle for me.

Luckily, the last fourth was about them closing the show as a duo, and saying goodbye, and it was heartbreaking. I knew they were going to be fine and I was so proud of Jodie for choosing to move on, but I really needed a box of tissues trying to get through Delia opening the show for the first time by herself. Thankfully, I was reassured by the last few chapters that she was going to do great.