A review by thefirstelevenminutes
Out There: Stories by Kate Folk, Kate Folk


Out There: Stories is a fantastic collection ranging from the sublime to the horrific and bookended by two linking stories.

We’re taken through a variety of twisted tales including:

• the dangers of dating apps;
• the last woman on earth’s prime-time talk show;
• a human head growing through a floor (swipe left if you don’t believe me);
• a hospital ward dedicated to those who experience total bone loss;
• a woman desperate to be shot just for the thrill of it;
• a somnambulist who brings unknown terrors back to bed;
• a secret santa with a disastrous difference;
• AIs harvesting women’s personal data through sex.

And there’s more on top of that. All in all it’s a bizarre, wonderfully written, engaging and mind-bending set of stories. Not one misses the mark. Think Twilight Zone meets Outer Limits meets Black Mirror.

This amazing debut collection is not just out there, it’s way out out there.

Highly recommended.

Out 29th March in the US randomhouse and 5th April in the UK hodder_studio

My thanks to the publishers and @netgalley for my review copy.