A review by kennys
The Prince of Prohibition by Marilyn Marks


This book has quite an interesting concept, and it is one that I enjoyed. There were a few things that I was confused about, and others that I thought just didn't fit.

1) I was confused as to why the Tarot cards were relevant to the story. At one point, the MC, Adeline, gets her fortune read, and it is told in Tarot. Obviously, this point may have to do with the fact that the story takes place in the 1920s when they may have been obsessed with this art, but it wasn't clear to me.

2) It is said multiple times that both Jack and Violet have a power/affinity to do with poison, but it also says that it has to do with their anatomy. This is extremely confusing because I can't tell if it is a part of them that is poisonous or all of them.

3) The ending. I loved the secret that was revealed at the end of the novel, but the events leading up to it were a little confusing. The "transformation" that takes place seems out of place.
