A review by 11corvus11
Die verborgene Wirklichkeit - Paralleluniversen und die Gesetze des Kosmos by Brian Greene


This book is 8 years old so parts of it are of course dated. For instance, evidence of gravitational waves has been found since its publication. But, there is still a lot to be gained. The book is definitely heavy and requires your attention. If you have never encountered these topics, you may have to repeat sections. I have and still repeated parts.

That said, Greene wrote the book so that a wider audience could access it and he did an excellent job executing that intention. He gives the reader the opportunity to skip ahead if they already know something or even if they find a topic too saturating. He does his best to describe complex subjects to someone who knows little to nothing about them. He structures the book so that you can get through the whole thing and generally follow along even if you don't fully grasp every element of the text.

Greene is the master of analogy and regularly uses easy to understand examples to explain complex and outstanding concepts. I saw Greene on a talk show discussing the discovery of gravitational wave evidence and I'm curious about how this book would read were it revised with new discoveries. Im not sharp enough to draw all those conclusions myself but do grasp somewhat what is now different in our understandings of possible multiverses among other things.

When I was a child I would lay awake at night concerned about what was outside the universe. My dad taught me it was a finite thing. What was nothing? How could there be nothing outside of something? Somehow the near infinite possibilities of multiverses is a less disconcerting thought for the human mind.

Also, Greene being an ethical vegan is a nice plus. He doesn't discuss it in this book, but I like that a man this logical often includes emotional reasoning as connected and valid.