A review by cewhisenant
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!*

“I wander sometimes, but I’m not lost.”

Actual rating: 3.5 stars.

This was an easy read. It was sweet and left you with a content and joyful fluttering in your gut. Add on that it handled cancer kids, drug addiction, and other life shattering situations, and this was a solid solution to a few hours of boredom.

I enjoyed both Cason’s and Davis’ characters. Both were going through serious issues (Cason losing her leg to cancer, ending her professional dancing career and Davis struggling with his sobriety and past as a cancer kid himself) but managed to be ‘brave enough’ to not only face their own demons but support each other as well. Toss in a blossoming romance and what’s not to love?

While this book was solid and enjoyable, it ran a tad slow at times. Other than a few murky sections in the middle though, this was a painless binge read that offered a unique perspective for YA: a YA author writing about cancer who actually had cancer. Yep, you read that right. The author’s personal experiences with cancer and other aspects of the book are apparent and lend serious credibility to the story. I also loved the author’s note at the end; it was so sweet and heartfelt. I'm a real sucker for good author's notes.

Overall, solid, easy read that tackles some tough topics but isn’t a downer. Highly recommend, especially the readers who appreciate #ownvoices narratives.