A review by justlily
Demon Thief by Darren Shan


I am so sad that I let so much time go between reading the first book and reading this one. These are just... Agh, these books are ridiculously fun. The stories are unique, the characters are vivid, and it's just enjoyable the entire way through.

I would say I liked this one slightly less than the first for two reasons. The first is, I don't know if it was just the version I read, but there were a lot of mistakes and typos, especially later in the book. These don't drive me crazy or anything but they're a little distracting.

Also this mystery isn't nearly as mind blowing as the first one. I had the big twist figured out pretty early on whereas in the first book I was guessing with each page and totally satisfied at the end.

But still, super fun, very fast. Will not put off the third one as long.