A review by panicatthebookstore
Yesterday by Felicia Yap


TW - baby loss (SIDs)
This was a very unique story about how people are divided into Monos and Duos. Monos are people who only remember the day before. Duos are people who can remember the last two days. At the end of every day, they write in their iDiaries, then they read those diaries every morning trying to learn as many facts as they can about themselves and their lives. The more they learn from their diaries, the more "facts" they are able to recall with perfect clarity. 
I have to admit, I struggled a little to get into this one. However, by the time I got halfway through I was gripped and couldn't wait to finish it. It was a very interesting story, however, some of it just seemed a little too farfetched. The twists got a little too much. It was an overall enjoyable story though.