A review by trisha_thomas
Murder at the Met by E.W. Cooper


"I'm beginning to believe opera might serve the same function as a dark alley."

What a fun and interesting story! It was so great to be back with Penelope and her wild life and then Lund joining the mix. I loved that they bumped in to one another at the opera and their banter before the show started (they are so cute!). I also really enjoyed the two different storylines. Lund is investigating a suicide someone is suspicious about. Penelope is roped in to a messy family as one member is found dead and another at the brink of death. I loved that with each turn, you could tell Penelope and Lund, in turn, were drawing closer to their conclusions, and yet I couldn't see it and didn't guess it. So well done.

Also, if you decide to give this one a try without reading the first, this one absolutely stands well on its own (although Why you wouldn't want to read the first one is beyond me! It's great too!)

I'm so glad I continued the series. I can't wait for more!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.