A review by jennsbookstack
A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla


This book was recommended in our history curriculum to tell about life in England and the journey to the Jamestown colony. While it did tell a story about that time, I can’t say it was incredibly informative. I think the details about the journey over and the wreck of the Sea Adventure were somewhat helpful in adding to our study of history. I wish there had been more detail about the Jamestown colony but it was only a somewhat interesting read-aloud for our family. The traditional narratives about the English facing off or being at war with the “Indians” was fairly prevalent in this book. At one point an English woman questions the young girl about her plans to go to America, saying that “Virginia is a terrible place, full of wild Indians and wild beasts.” We have learned so much about the indigenous people of the Americas so my 11 and 8 year old commented on the inaccurate portrayals, but not all kids have learned a more complete look at history so be mindful when choosing this to support a learning goal.