A review by valsbrainhurts
Daughter of Persephone by Helen Scott



Poppy is nothing special... and neither is this book. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t terrible... okay, at best. Personally I just wouldn’t waste my time unless you’re looking for something average. Nothing really grabbed my attention, which was disappointing to say the least. I’m one to love a good supernatural romance based off Greek mythology, so this book immediately caught my eye. I liked the cover and the concept of her being the daughter of not one, but two Greek gods. Then I started the book... I truly wanted to like it so bad I read the whole thing hoping it would have that “spark” and it just didn’t...

The romantic relationships go from 0 to 100 real quick. Sometimes it works for the story, but not in this case. Poppy’s relationship with the men just felt out of place, I suppose. I didn’t feel any connection with the men and found my self not caring about them at all. When it came to the more “heated” scenes I didn’t feel anything either. Nothing. I skimmed through and skipped most of it.

Poppy’s acceptance as her new role of the future queen of the Underworld was unrealistic. It only took her a moment to completely settle with the idea. She never asked questions (at least not the right ones) and never seemed to be curious whatsoever. Does she seriously not even wonder what the position of “Queen of the Underworld” entails or is everything just going over her head?

The whole story is fast paced but feels slow at the same time. I felt like I never really learned anything meaningful about any of the characters or developed any emotion regarding them. The author could have killed any of them off and I wouldn’t have bat an eye. I won’t be continuing the series, but in the end of the day I could see how some may still enjoy it. Personally, I just didn’t “feel it” with this one and am hoping the author will improve when it comes to character development.