A review by bee_thebibliophile
The Spy by Sophie Lark


If you’ve been reading the Kingmakers series, you’ve been patiently (but probably not so patiently) waiting for this book...for answers, for the finale of this amazing series, for another look into the Kingmakers world. I had so many theories running through my head after I finished [b:The Bully|57731869|The Bully (Kingmakers)|Sophie Lark|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1618341951l/57731869._SY75_.jpg|88342204] that I couldn’t wait to see how everything would come together and how right (or wrong) I’d be about everything. So much of this book is full of spoilers, so I’ll keep it short and general to avoid ruining the grand finale for anyone!

The Spy...I’m not going to spoil it, but this reveal was everything I hoped it would be. I loved seeing him come into his own and start to establish his own values and personal beliefs while also staying true to his family’s beliefs. He becomes confident and powerful (or finally starts to show that side of himself) while still maintaining the sweetness we saw from him throughout the series.

Nix Moroz was a total surprise. I didn’t have many predictions of what she’d be like before I started reading, but she surprised me at every turn. Her strength, resilience, honesty and bluntness made her so unique. I really felt for her so much more than I expected and the development she underwent while at Kingmakers was difficult but necessary for her to realize she can stand on her own two feet.

The Spy and Nix started out a little confusing to me, but that was definitely because of the situation. As they started to open up to each other and be real, their relationship grew and became a lot more genuine. You could feel their connection and were rooting for them to overcome the many obstacles put in their way. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy their story so much, but Nix’s unexpected vulnerability and The Spy’s quiet confidence really sealed the deal for me.

I really loved that each book in this series had 3 POVs - the 2 main characters and 1 other. I had an inkling about who the third POV would be and loved it so much more than I could have imagined. It was the perfect addition to the story and brought a new level of storytelling to the book. So many of these chapters left me tearing up...so happy, so upset and so obsessed with this character from the very beginning.

The Spy was the perfect finale to the Kingmakers series - I fell in love with all of these characters and their stories and loved reading about their growth in school and out. The action at the end was a great way to wrap everything up, bring everyone together and show how confident and competent everyone became throughout this series. I really didn’t want it to end and was crying through most of the epilogue because it was time to say goodbye to some of my favorite characters from the series and even the side characters that we were introduced to along the way - they were all incredible and I want more! While I’m sad to leave Kingmakers behind, I can’t wait to see what stories Sophie Lark brings to life next!