A review by lectorliber04
Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov



There were parts that grabbed my attention, others dragged too much. Trevize, a Terminus councilman, is my favourite character because he is a just a normal human being. He wasn't manipulated by the Second Foundation or Gaia, nor did he believe in the Seldon Plan which of course gets him in trouble, among other reasons.

Trevize's outspoken feelings about Seldon landed him in jail but, Mayor Branna had other plans for him: go find the Second Foundation. At the same time the Second Foundation is dealing with a threat not from Terminus but its source is unknown. What the members of the Second Foundation do know is that this entity or group of people can and are manipulating minds. After The Mule's defeat the Second Foundation created a group called 'observers' or spies and this group has agents on Terminus.

So, both Foundations are engaged in a conflict of their own making and have been manipulated by a third party. Who or what is the third party? Their name is Gaia. As Trevize and company look for the Second Foundation and Earth, the Second Foundation is looking for those who are interfering and manipulating both Foundations. All arrived at Gaia. Gaia is a planet whose inhabitants are connected mentally to each other and the planet. They are no longer individuals.

There were some big surprises. Robots created Gaia and are in the background supervising their actions. Gaia follows the Three Laws of Robotics. Well, oh well. And I guess this is why I liked Trevize so much: he is an untouched mind because he has the ability to make the right decisions. I had no idea of course, about this because Trevize's behaviour endear him to me. He had a mind of his own and wasn't afraid to go against the beliefs of the First Foundation. Gaia recognised this and manipulated others to bring Trevize to them and then put on Trevize's shoulders the burden of deciding whose rule will best service the Galaxy. Trevize's choice of Gaia and Galaxia left me wondering about if this is actually the right path. But... Trevize found out all references about Earth have been erased from Gaia and I know he won't be able to forget about it. He doesn't like mysteries or not having answers.

Next book is most likely about finding Earth and I can't wait