A review by psychedandlit
Omens Bite by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast


Omens Bite
by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Audiobook Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell
Published by: Wednesday Books
Publication Date: 04/05/22

** Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review. **

In the second book of the Sisters of Salem trilogy, we continue the story of Mercy and Hunter Goode, who have lost their mother and are working to heal the trees that stand as gates to five mythological underworlds.

Honestly, I enjoyed the first in the series, Spells Trouble, but I didn't love it. Rating the first, 3.5 stars, I didn't have the highest expectations for this second book in the Sisters of Salem trilogy. With that said, this book exceeded all of my expectations. Mercy and Hunter saw major character growth from the first to the second, which I not only enjoyed but helped me feel more connected to the story as a whole. The plot continued to amp up, which increased my level of intrigue. Was this novel, a fictional masterpiece? No, but I had a damn good time. I'm officially looking forward to the third and final. I'm ready to see how the story ends.