A review by loverofromance
Hard to Love by Willow Winters, W. Winters


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Hard To Love is the first book in the "Hard to Love" series and this series is one that carries one couple through. This is also my first Willow Winters novel that I have read and I was impressed in many ways. I just jumped straight into the pool with a mafia themed romance LOL But I love it all at the same time. I can definitely see why there is a lot of love for this author, and she writes her characters so deliciously. From the main center pieces to the side attractions, you become so drawn into the world that she creates. And I knew going into this book that there would be a cliffhanger because I had seen some of those warnings on a few reviews I had read. BUT if I hadn't know my rating would have been VASTLY different than what I put down. Because I know there are other books following this one, so I will get to see their happy ending....I just have to wait here which isn't the greatest. But I am all here for their journey.

Seth and Laura don't have the best beginning. When Laura's father is killed and since he is part of the mob, the son of the mob king ...Seth watches out for her in school and slowly they start to fall in love and build a relationship. Laura understands that he is dangerous with a capital D but there is a connection between them she just doesn't want to deny. We see different flashes of their relationship but soon a mistake that Seth makes within the mob causes pain for them all and Laura will have to battle within herself if Seth is worth the risk ....or not.

I have to say that while I enjoyed this I do wish the flow of the story had been just a bit more smoother. I kinda felt like I was all over the place with this book and it wasn't always fun LOL However, I was utterly captivated by Seth and Laura's story. Not sure why I was okay with the high school setting, but I was because it just didn't have that juvenile feel to the story. The author was allowing us to see how Seth and Laura meet and how their relationship has grown from there. I am sure in the next books we see more depths to their relationship that I can't wait to see unfold. What happens to them in this book is heart breaking and I am not going to lie about that. They really get tested here, and its a rough journey at times but you just can't help but want to stick with them through it all because you know the ending will make it all worth it.

Overall I found Hard To Love to be a stunning beginning to Seth and Laura's story and I can't wait to see them journey through the strife and hardship to get to the sweet spot I am sure this author brings her readers to.

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