A review by katarinaelizabeth
Sadie by Courtney Summers


** spoiler alert ** CONTENT WARNING: Childhood SA... As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I appreciated this narrative of what might’ve happened if a survivor went after their abuser. (Is that a healthy thing? Probably not. Do I condone violence? No. But, I understand it.) As I finished it, I wondered - why do we write books like this? Especially aimed toward young adults/teens. Maybe it's to show young people that they're not alone, to encourage them to share past trauma with a safe adult, to offer an escape? I'm not sure.
But, heartbreak comes along with reading a book like this... I knew Sadie was never going to make it. I knew she was gone the second I started the book. What does that mean for me? For other survivors? I don't attempt to speak on behalf of everyone who's experienced SA, only myself... but, I think part of my younger self died, just like Sadie inevitability does. It isn't fair, it isn't okay, but it's reality. Maybe that's why I knew she was gone because I was too. But, thankfully, my story isn't over. And hers isn't either - she lives on.
Side note: Wasn't a fan of the epilogue included in my version.

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